Anyplace Wild in the Adirondacks

Anyplace Wild in the Adirondacks

By William J. O’Hern

Limited quantities available of 20 historic tear-out postcards from rare old photographs are only available from the author. 

Specially priced at $5.95 each.

The passing years of human history in the Adirondack Mountains is assembled in this classic collection of vintage postcard. Images that give you the feel of bygone years and the information to learn about past days of sporting, recreation and unique characters . Anyplace Wild is a unique photo collection of 20 high quality postcards that reflect the Historic Age created from rare photographs, most unavailable to the public. Special pricing for groups, organizations and individuals who contact the author directly.


Photo courtesy of Fred R. Sutor


Original. Distinctive design. High quality. Limited edition. Collectable Postcard Book.

The vintage scenes of Americana show outdoor life in the Adirondacks, and Thirteen of the postcards feature classic photographs of Noah John Rondeau with visitors at his Cold River Hermitage.

Pleasing 4-color, sepia-toned, glossy postcards reflect the age and charm of the photographic images.


“We talked about our future the entire backpacking trip.
We had an opportunity to make a living in the civilized world. Or we could become hermits. We might even make a name for ourselves. We might do any number of things.” 
–Fred Sutor